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The 10 Best Android Apps for Your Rooted Smartphone

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from this website: in this article Updated on March 7, 2018
Contact Author said that:
Hey there buddies, wassup?
You just bought your new smartphone. You have possibly even rooted it for flashing a custom ROM or just to increase your new guy's battery. If you are searching for the best apps for your phone, then you have come to the right place. Find the best apps for your smartphone below and realize your mobile's potential.

1. Greenify

Greenify allows you to choose which apps to hibernate.
Greenify allows you to choose which apps to hibernate.
Greenify is the first app in my list because it easily and effectively increases the battery life of your smartphone. It is a very simple app, and its basic function is to hibernate your background apps. You also have the option to selectively hibernate your apps, so that you can choose for apps like Facebook and WhatsApp to run as usual.
Unless you hibernate them, background apps will drain your precious battery even when they are not in use! Hence, this app is very popular among many users. Give it a try.

2. Titanium Backup

Titanium Backup allows you to automatically and selectively backup your apps.
Titanium Backup allows you to automatically and selectively backup your apps.
Titanium Backup is the app for those of you who do a lot of flashing in your smartphones. This is the best app to back up your data and ROM. It provides its users with multiple options to back up like backing up specific data and apps. Not only that, but you can also automatically schedule your backups, freeze your apps, and convert them into user apps, and much more. This is a great app and I suggest you try it out.

3. ROM Manager

ROM Manager will keep you updated on all of the popular ROMs available for your device.
ROM Manager will keep you updated on all of the popular ROMs available for your device.
ROM Manager is one great app for all you enthusiasts who want to flash new ROMs and taste new versions of Android on your smartphones. This app gives you a list of all the famous ROMs available for your device. You can also download them through this app, which saves you a lot of time searching for the ROMs on the net. The pro version of this app is worth a try.

4. Trickster Mod

Trickster Mod will allow you to overclock or undervolt your phone and much more.
Trickster Mod will allow you to overclock or undervolt your phone and much more.

4. Trickster Mod

Trickster Mod is an awesome app. Although there are many apps out there which can do the same tasks, Trickster Mod's support and interface beats them all. With this app, you can overclock your phone to make it fly like a butterfly, undervolt it to increase your battery life, and a lot more. All in all, this app is a must in your rooted smartphone.

5. RAM Booster

RAM Booster will help your phone's operating speed by clearing out unnecessary usage.
RAM Booster will help your phone's operating speed by clearing out unnecessary usage.
Ever feel that your phone is sluggish when playing games? Or does your phone restart during heavy usage? Then this is the perfect app for you. RAM Booster digs into your phone's RAM and clears out unnecessary usage by background apps, which provides more RAM for the apps that you are using. This app is a must for those who need more snappiness in their phones.

6. Root Firewall Pro

Root Firewall Pro can help you save bandwidth.
Root Firewall Pro can help you save bandwidth.
Have you been low on your data bandwidth? This app can help you out. With it, you can disable Internet for apps you aren't using while selectively enable it for those you are. It even has the options to selectively enable 2g, 3g, 4g, or Wi-Fi networks for apps of your choosing. It also has features like ad blocking and much more.

7. GL to SD

GL to SD creates more internal memory by moving data onto your SD card.
GL to SD creates more internal memory by moving data onto your SD card.

7. GL to SD

Internal memory getting low? Cannot install huge games due to insufficient space? Then this app is your lifesaver. GL to SD is a great app for those who want to store and play huge games. It transfers the data to your SD card (micro sd) from your internal storage, which provides space for new games.

8. SoftKeyZ

SoftKeyZ allows you to customize your Android's appearance.
SoftKeyZ allows you to customize your Android's appearance.
Bored of the normal look of your navigation buttons? Want to add some colours to your screen? Go try this app. It can personalize your navigation buttons (soft keys) into many different styles. It has 150+ themes to choose from. This is an awesome app for those who want your smartphone to appear just so.

9. DiskDigger Pro

DeskDigger recover lost data, even if it has already been formatted.
DeskDigger recover lost data, even if it has already been formatted.
Deleted your photos or documents accidentally? Want to recover lost data? This app can do that for you. It can even recover formatted data. Personally, I believe that this app is one of the best to use for a rooted Android device. It's a pure lifesaver.

10. Solid Explorer

Solid Explorer provides you with two panels, making it very easy to copy and paste files from one location to another.
Solid Explorer provides you with two panels, making it very easy to copy and paste files from one location to another.
This is the best file manager out there. The basic idea of this explorer is just awesome: the app provides you with two panels when positioned in the landscape view. This means that you can simply copy-paste or move any file from one panel to the other without the fuzz of remembering the path of the locations separately. It also has additional features like FTP connection, etc. This is a must-have app for all Android users.
NOTE: You also need to install Solid Explorer Unlocker to use the complete features.
At the moment it has some glitches working in Android KitKat.
That was the list of the top 10 apps (in my opinion) that I have used. I can personally attest that each of them works very well. I've provided links to each of these apps at the end of the article.

Google Play Store Ratings and Free Availability of Top 10 Apps

Play Store Ratings
Titanium Backup
Rom Manager
Trickster Mod
RAM Booster
Root Firewall
GL to SD
Solid Explorer
So guys, this is it! You have found the best apps for your rooted device. I hope you like them. Do leave comments with your opinions about the apps and any app that you feel should be in the above list.

If you do like the abve apps.. a poll would help others to gain multiple opinions :) :)

See results


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