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Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website: in this article said that:

  Mobile phone is becoming more and more important in people’s daily life. but phones bring positive and negative effects, people in these days never left their phone is like part of their body. Phone do a good job on making our life more easier, but there are more negative than positive.

 Parent buying smart phone for their kids is handing them fire to play with. 

•stop kids going outside and interacting with friends
•Miss homework
•Have adult experience(adult movies)
•keeps them awake at night because of texting
•causing anxiety because not enough followers in social media ": 

Cell phone may cause some health problems

I know a lot parent buy their kid a phone due to safety issues, because they can call their kid anytime they want 


• emergency situations, in case like forgot your keys at home, got injury
• improve knowledge could use phone to internet and learn something       form it
• Miss understanding in class, could use it to email your teacher ASAP        and call classmate for help
• Events around the world, today all phones have News apps

Proper ways setting up your child's first phone

In conclusion

In conclusion, smart phone is bad but have good side. have advantages and disadvantage, it is make our life more easier, we shouldn't depended on it. Use the phone properly, we will benefits a lot form it. 



  1. Yean this is going without ssying . It is that the students don't give proper time to their studies. I'm Yoo-Yoo.

  2. Yean this is going without ssying . It is that the students don't give proper time to their studies. I'm Yoo-Yoo.


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