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10 Cool Accessories to Go With Your New Smartphone

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from this website: in this article , 05 July 2016said that:
10 Cool Accessories to Go With Your New Smartphone
Got a new phone and want to get something great to go with it? Or maybe you're looking to gift something to a mobile-crazy friend or family member, and don't have the budget for a new phone? No problem! There is no shortage of accessories for smartphones. We found some cool accessories that are actually useful, and not just a toy that you discard in a few days. If you don't think you need these, you could always gift them to someone who does. Here are 10 great accessories for smartphones.
1. VR Headset
Virtual Reality is still in the nascent stage but with VR headsets available under Rs. 1,000, you could always get one to find out what the fuss is all about. Coolpad's VR headset is affordable and offers a good entry point into the world of VR.

Buy Coolpad Cool VR 1X (Rs. 999)
(Also see: How to Pick a VR Headset That's Right for You)
2. Zoom lens
Optical zoom is the one feature we all wish smartphone cameras could master. This accessory offers 8X zoom for your smartphone's camera at a reasonable price. The results aren't exactly perfect, but if you were looking for a cool lomo effect then this works really well.
Buy 8x Optical Telescope Mobile Lens (Rs. 800)
3. Solar charger
Most people in India have no dearth of sunlight. Converting your entire house to solar power may be a little hard, but you could always start by charging your smartphone off the power of the Sun. You won't have to remember to charge a backup battery if you keep this handy.
Buy Solar Mobile Charger (Rs. 349)
4. Other lenses for photography
We mentioned a zoom lens earlier but if that's not your only requirement, you could get a set of three clip-on lenses for your smartphone. This product ships with a macro lens, a fisheye lens, and a wide-angle lens. It's a really cool way to completely change the kind of shots you get from your phone.
Buy Universal clip-on lens (Rs. 209)
5. A speaker that charges your smartphone
This waterproof Bluetooth speaker also has a 4000mAh battery to charge your smartphone. The price isn't bad either.
Buy Zealot waterproof Bluetooth speaker (Rs. 1,499)
6. Selfie flash light
If you love taking selfies but your phone's front camera lacks a flash, this could be the perfect accessory for you. It's not much use if you plan to use it with the rear camera but at this super low price, it's a good accessory even if its utility is limited.
Buy Bluebill Selfie flash light (Rs. 69)
7. Table lamp with a speaker
If you need a smartphone accessory for your bedside, this table lamp with a speaker might interest you. You can adjust the brightness of the lamp and play music via the aux port and Bluetooth.
Buy Table Lamp With Speaker (Rs. 1,050)
8. Smartphone repair kit
This one will void your warranty for sure, but it's always good to have a repair kit handy. We're not suggesting that you open up your smartphone the moment there is a problem, but in some cases such as water damage it might actually be useful.
Buy Smartphone repair kit (Rs. 299)
9. iPhone camera protector
If you use your iPhone 6/6S/6 Plus/6S Plus without a case, that camera bump might make it prone to damage. If you don't want to get a case, you could get this camera bump protecting ring instead.
Buy camera protector ring for iPhone 6/ 6S (Rs. 175) or iPhone 6 Plus/ 6S Plus (Rs. 179)
10. Gamepad
If you are into gaming and the games you love have controller support, then a gamepad is well worth the price. If you have an iPhone, good controllers such as the Mad Catz C.T.R.L.i are expensive but if you have an Android phone, you can get yourself relatively affordable gamepads such as the GameSir G3 or the Amkette Evo Gamepad Pro 2.


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