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4 Harmful Effects Of Mobile Phones On Kids

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website:https:// in this article ARSHI
Harmful Effects Of Mobile Phones With Images
Image: Shutterstock
Mobile phones have become a widespread phenomenon in the present time. These pocket-sized tools are no less than a mini computer. They can do anything – from a standard phone call to surf the internet. Not just the adults, this technology is affecting the kids as well. But did you know what are the harmful effects of mobile phones on children? Read on to know more about the impact of mobile phones on students.

Bad Effects Of Mobile Phones On Children:

Today’s children are growing up in a radio-frequency environment that never existed in human history before. The radiation emitted by mobile phones and mobile phone masts can have adverse effects on children. Some include:

1. Health Hazard:

In the recent years, there has been a lot of speculation about the impact of cell phone radiation on our body. A study by The Journal of the American Medical Association stirred the debate when it investigated the repercussion the mobile phones could have on the brain activity. The possible health hazards of mobile phones for children are as follows:

a. Non-Malignant Tumors:

The study has shown that children who use mobile phones have a possibility of developing non-malignant tumor in the brain and ear.

b. Cancer:

The WHO has classified cell phone radiation as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’. Children absorb more than 60 percent of the radiation into the brain than adults. Their brain’s thinner skin, tissues, and bones allow them to absorb the radiation twice than the grown-ups. Their developing nervous system makes them more vulnerable to this ‘carcinogen’.

c. Effects On The Brain:

Scientists have discovered that just 2 minutes of the phone call can alter the electoral activity of the kid’s brain for up to an hour. The radio waves from the mobile penetrate deep into the brain, not just around the ear. The disturbed brain activity could impair children’s learning ability and other behavioral problems. It could even affect their mood and ability to learn in the classroom if they have used the phone during the break time.

2. Academics:

Children, just like the teens, are addicted to mobile phones. They play games, chat and talk to their friends on their mobile phone all the time. Along with the school supplies, many students make their daily trips to their school with their mobile phones. They talk on the phone during the free time and send messages during the classes. Thus, they miss the lesson taught and fall behind the other students.

3. Inappropriate Behavior:

Use of cell phones can lead children to engage in inappropriate behaviors. Texting and sending inappropriate pictures is a growing problem with teens. The images go in the wrong hands, giving others access to the private photos. Children can also access pornographic sites from their multimedia devices.

4. Malpractice In Exams:

Most of the students indulge in exam malpractices and cheating during the internal and external examinations. Some make use of calculator while other store information in it. Some also use it to send objective answers to those in the examination hall. It can end the student’s career if caught.

Mobile Phone Safety For Kids:

As a parent, you must take preventive measures to minimize your child’s exposure to the harmful effects of mobile phones. These include:
  • Do not give cell phone if your child is under 16 years. A child’s brain is too sensitive to withstand the effects of mobile radiation.
  • Do not let your child hold a mobile phone directly up to his head. Use an air-tube headset instead.
  • Do not let your child make calls in buses, trains, cars, and elevators. The mobile phone works harder to get the signal out through the metal, which increases the power level.
  • Do not let your child use cell phone when the signal is weak. It will increase the power to the maximum, as the phone attempts to connect to a new relay antenna.
  • Limit the use of cell phone around children.
  • Make sure that there is no mobile phone mast or network tower near your home or your kid’s school.
  • Do not let children take mobile phones to school.
  • Do not leave mobile phones in your children’s bedroom at night.
So these are the harmful effects of mobile phones on children. What changes have you made in your child’s cell phone usage considering these potential health risks? Please share with the other mommies by commenting below.


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