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25 Amazing Facts About Mobile Phones Which Will Shock You

We can’t imagine our lives without a mobile phone now.  We are addicted to them, our day starts with them.  Google’s Google Now, Apple’s siri and        Microsoft’s Cortana became a part of our life, they made our lives simple and they help us in many ways.  Now let us see the amazing facts about mobile phones
1.  Have you ever used Nokia 1100? Be proud, it was the bestselling electrical gadget in history with more than 250 million pieces sold.
2.  $4000 is the cost of first mobile phone in US, in 1983.
3.  In 2012 Apple sold more than 340,000 iPhones per day, which is around 4 per second.
Also see amazing facts about Apple Inc., and evolution of iOS.
4.  Be careful while using your mobile phone, it has 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.
5.  Is your phone water proof?  90% of mobile phones in Japan, are waterproof.
6.  Insomnia, confusion and headaches are caused due to mobile phone radiation. Experts have identified ringxiety, nomophobia, telephonophobia and frigensophobia as conditions that can effect people.
7.  This sounds odd, but you can charge your phone by using urine, scientists developed it.
8.  The first mobile call was made by Martin Cooper in 1973.
9.  Do you know that the present mobile phones have more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 to land on the moon.
10.  In Britain more than 100,000 mobile phones are dropped down in the toilet every year.
11.  In 1993, world’s first Smartphone was debuted at Florida’s Wireless World Conference by BellSouth Cellular, it has a LCD touch screen display.  This was designed by IBM and named as Simon ,priced at $899 and only 2000 Simmons are made at that time.
12.  In U.S., the mobile phone towers and antennas are often disguised. Engineers have developed ways to install the equipment into telephone poles, clock faces, church roofs and even in signs. Even mobile phone tower is often disguised as plastic trees.
13.  70% of mobile phones are manufactured in China.
14.  Around 80% of the world’s population has a mobile phone.
15.  More than 90% of adults have their mobile phone within arm’s reach all the time.
16.  There are more mobile phones than PCs, the ratio  is 5 times.
17.  More than 4 billion people own mobile phones.  But only 3.5 billion use a toothbrush.
18.  Within 3 minutes of delivery, 90% of text messages are read.
19.  More than 80% of adults in U.S. own a mobile phone.
20.  What is your monthly mobile phone bill?  142,000 pounds is the highest ever mobile bill  by Celina Aarons.
21.  According to Guinness World Records, Sonim XP3300 Force is recognized as the toughest phone.  It survived an 84ft drop without any operational damage.
22.  Mobile phone industry is the fastest growing industry in the world.
23.  iPhone 5 Black Diamond is the costliest phone in the world, which costs $15 million.  It will take nine weeks to build, made of 135 gram solid gold of 24 carat and the chassis was inlaid with 600 white diamonds.
24. 74 % of smartphone users use their mobile phone to help with shopping, of which 79% ultimately making a purchase.
25.  Mobile phone users mostly spend their time on games and social networking(49% and 30% respectively).


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