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Showing posts from May, 2018

How mobile phones support healthcare in the developing world

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website:   in this article by  Cliff Saran Managing Editor said that: Mobile phones are generally affordable and available to the population at large, making them more accessible than computers and far more cost-effective than hospital beds. Mobile phone usage in developing countries is increasing, with 64% of mobile phones worldwide being used in the developing world . There are also more mobile than fixed lines. According to the International Telecommunications Union, the continent of Africa has some 280 million total telephone subscribers, of which some 260 million (more than 85%) are mobile cellular subscribers. As such, it repre...

Are You Aware of These 10 Diseases Caused By Smartphones

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website:   in this article by  September 26, 2017  said that: Are You Aware of These 10 Diseases Caused By Smartphones In this modern era, technology has made our life so much easy and smartphones is one of them. But if these techniques make our life easier along with this but technology create so many problem in our life. Everything has some benefits and some side effects too. Do you know that smartphones have become the most important part of our life but it is also a biggest mess in our life too. Click here to read:-  10 Home Remedies for Stomach Gas Today I am going to share 10 diseases which can be caused by smartphones or you can call it cell phone addiction symptoms. Excessive use of smartphones can lead to insomnia:- People who are addicted to smartphones believe that till they not use smartphones late night ...

7 Easy Ways to Save Your Eyes From Smartphone Strain

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from thewebsite: articles/list-of-input-devices-on-a-computer in this article by  Kim Lachance Shandrow  Former West Coast Editor said that:  Your smartphone is a sight for sore eyes. Literally. If you’re one of those people who glances at their smartphone 150 times a day , chances are your eyes are paying the price for your screen addiction. Staring at your smartphone -- or tablet, e-reader or laptop, while we’re at it  -- for too long can lead to tired, itchy, dry eyes, and even blurred vision and headaches. Think zombie eyes and you’re there. Luckily you can minimize inevitable digital eye strain by blending a few simple, healthy habits into your smartphone-gazing routine. Here are seven super quick and easy ways to give your eyes a break during your all those smartphone marathon sessions. 1. Blink, blink and blink again. Blinking...

Effects of Mobile Phone on Hearing

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from thewebsite:  in this article  Posted on August 24th, 2016   said that: Many studies have shown Effects of Mobile Phone on Hearing using mobile phones for more than 30 minutes a day can change the hearing threshold. The minimum level of sound that is audible to a person is the hearing threshold for that person. The hearing threshold shift is more so in higher frequencies. The main reason for the hearing loss is the exposure of the ear to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile telephones. The heat emitted by the mobile phone further adds to the damage. The factors that play a role in the effects of mobile phones on hearing capacity include: History of use – How long the person has been using mobile phones: Studies have shown that people who talked over mobile phones for one or two years had a 16.48 decibel hearing loss in the higher fr...

The 10 Most Telling Quotes About the Future of Mobile

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website: in this article by  Bryn Adler   said that: Mobile is changing the way we relate to the world. Beyond just devices, mobile represents not only a channel, but an entirely new digital lifestyle. We are moving past smartphone and tablet definitions to discover the bigger picture of what comes next. What is that, exactly? We gathered 10 of the most telling quotes from nine mobile experts (and one expert research center) on what the future holds for the convergence of digital and the role mobile will play. The 10 Most Telling Quotes About the Future of Mobile 1. "Our lives will be facilitated by a myriad of adaptive applications running on different devices, with different sensors, all of them collecting tidbits about everything we do, and feeding big digital brains that can adapt applications to our ne...

The cardiac effects of a mobile phone positioned closest to the heart.

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website: in this article by  Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2009 Oct;9(5):380-4  said that: Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of mobile phone (MP) on cardiac electrical activity by examining the heart rate variability (HRV), QT, P dispersions and blood pressure (BP) while the MP is located on the precordium. METHODS: A total of 24 healthy volunteers were included in this prospective study. In the first step; 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and BP recordings of the subjects without MP, while the MP is off, on, and ringing were recorded. In the second step; rhythm and BP were recorded for 30 minutes with the Holter without MP, and when the MP was "on" at the precordial location. P-wave and QT interval dispersions were measured from 12-lead ECG, while Holter 24-hour recordings were used for HRV analysis. Statistical analysis w...


Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website: in this article said that:   Mobile phone is becoming more and more important in people’s daily life. but phones bring positive and negative effects, people in these days never left their phone is like part of their body. Phone do a good job on making our life more easier, but there are more negative than positive.  Parent buying smart phone for their kids is handing them fire to play with.  •stop kids going outside and interacting with friends •Miss homework •Have adult experience(adult movies) •keeps them awake at night because of texting •causing anxiety because not enough followers in social media ":  Cell phone may cause some health problems I know a lot parent buy their kid a phone due to safety issues, becau...

Causes and Effects of Driving Distracted

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website: in this article Mr  Emily Delbridge Updated March 19, 2018 said that: Driving requires lots of focus and your full attention. Distracted driving affects all drivers from time to time and can come with stiff consequences. Unfocused driving does not affect all drivers the same. Some take more risks and pay less attention to road increasing their risk for disaster. Fully understanding what is at stake and how small distractions can affect your ability to drive could prevent a serious accident. Causes of Distracted Driving Anything can distract a driver. It is common for people to try and multitask while driving. It can range from obvious distractions such as crying or fighting kids in the back seat to eating lunch behind the wheel. Any task which takes your attention away from the road is considered a distraction. Even i...

4 Harmful Effects Of Mobile Phones On Kids

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website:https:// in this article ARSHI Image: Shutterstock Do you let the youngest members ofyour house use your cell phone? Does your child spend long hours talking on the phone? Do you think it is harmless to give the mobile phone to your child? If yes, then you may have to think twice before doing so! Mobile phones have become a widespread phenomenon in the present time. These pocket-sized tools are no less than a mini computer. They can do anything – from a standard phone call to surf the internet. Not just the adults, this technology is affecting the kids as well. But did you know what are the harmful effects of mobile phones on children? Read on to know more about the impact of mobile phones on students. Bad Effects Of Mobile Phones On Children: Today’s children are growing up in a radio-frequency environment ...

Study Cell Phone Radiation Can Damage Eyes Cause Early Cataracts

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website:https://  The scientists, who have studied the impact of electromagnetic waves on human eye, say that cell phone usage can also lead to early cataract in lens apart from affecting retina, cornea and other ocular systems of the eye. While scientists across the globe are still debating whether cell phone radiation exposure results in brain tumors, a new study carried out by scientists at Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) has revealed that cell phones also affect eyes. “The wavelength of wireless signals (which is about 2 to 2.5 cm) used for cell phones and other wireless terminals matches with that received by the human eye. The dielectric constant (absorption capacity) of eye tissues is around 70 which is greater than unity (above 50). This means that the eye can absorb electromagnetic energy very quickly,” exp...

The Environmental Costs (and Benefits) of Our Cell Phones

Zeeshan Mir Baz has collected the information from the website: in this article Mr  Alex Pasternack September 3, 2009 said that: Flickr: David Dennis Keep Your Cell Phone Longer, Save the Planet (and Other Things You Should Know About The Device Of Our Lives) In the space of a decade, cell phones have gone from novelties to arguably the most central objects in our lives. They connect us to our loved ones, enable busineses, help us behave more intelligently , and give citizens a viral voice -- especially important in countries where phones are the only real means people have to spread information. And yet, despite how close we are to our cell phones -- paying a small fortune for them , nesting them in our palms, talking to them all the time -- we know amazingly little about them and the heavy impact they're having on our world. In the spirit of thinking more car...

7 Harmful Side Effects Of Mobile Phones On Teenagers

Is your teen insisting for a mobile phone for his birthday? Or are you considering of giving a mobile phone to your teen for security purposes? That’s a sound decision, but have you ever thought about the adverse effects of mobile phones on teenagers and young people? If no, then please read our post on what effect does cell phone use have on teenagers carefully. Seeing teens standing together, but totally ignoring each other is a common sight these days. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 78% teens aged between 12 and 17 have mobile phones. And they are not just using it to call their parents. One in four teens have access to the internet, far more than adults. So is cell phone really a good thing for teens? What are the negative effects of cell phones on teenagers? Read on to find the answer. There is no doubt that the mobile phone is a very useful tool and today, mobile phones are a major part of society. . It eases communication with c...